Open Source

ArchiGuesser (2022)

A daily game for architects and enthusiasts, inspired by Framed and Wordle.
Each day a architectural project is picked from a curated list and you have 6 pictures to guess which one it is.

Built with Vue.JS 3 with TypeScript
Backend using Rust with SQLite and Actix Web

Collector (2020)

Manage your 2€ commemoratives coins collections
Easy, free and open source

Built with Vue.JS, no backend, serverless
Data are exclussively client side

E-Coin (2018)

E-Coin is a corporate currency, using private blockchain (Multichain), Go backend and Vue.JS frontend.
It serves as a demo of a blockchain application and can be used to create a digital asset rewarding system for your employees. (2024 update)

2024: v4 of my personal Portfolio 🚀
Migration from Nuxt.JS (2.x reaching End Of Life) and Vue.JS
To Astro (pre-rendered), also moving back from homemade SCSS to CSS 3


ZeroNet + ZAP (2017)

Revamped Dockerfile of ZeroNet, reducing its size from 421 MB to 77 MB (using Alpine Linux).
ZeroNet is a decentralized internet using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network.

Cleared dockerfiles of OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), which is one of the world’s most popular free security tools and is actively maintained by hundreds of international volunteers.

Chaos the bot (2017)

I participated in Chaos the bot, which is a social coding experiment that updates its own code democratically, in Python.
I have several pull requests
The main one is the creation of dynamic voting window


EU Blockathon EUIPO (2018)

Runner-up prize for the customs authority challenge.
TrustTrack project is designed to support customs and applies, at manufacturer level, a unique QR code of a near-field communication (NFC) chip and a temper-evident seal.
When the seal is intact, the product can be easily handled and fast tracked by customs in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the resources.
The system can be integrated with various existing infrastructures and blockchains.

Solutec Hackathon (2016)

First place at the Solutec's Hackathon

Unity - Graph Database - PHP - Network


SkillMatrix (2016 - 2018)

HR application for managing consultants

Vue.JS - Symfony 4 - PHP 7.2 - Linux - Git

VeMaSys (2015)

My participation in this project was about Symfony, backend services, Python and Linux server (system administration).

Symfony 2 - Linux - Python - Team Work